Saturday, February 09, 2013

Back at Park Sierra

2/9/13 Here at Park Sierra we are having some rainy and cold weather, although when we first returned here a week ago, it was fairly sunny and warm. My brother, Jerry, and his wife, Diann, visited us last Monday and Tuesday in their RV and we greatly enjoyed our time with them. Here is a picture of them:
They brought their very cute corgi, Penny Lane, with them:
Jerry played golf with our friend, Ken Kimpton, while Elaine and I did some walks with Diann. We shared several meals and also played Pegs and Jokers with them. It was a great bonding experiment. Here are the 2 siblings together:
Now we are just participating in social activities here at the park, and starting to get organized for our upcoming trip to SE Asia. Tomorrow we will do some preliminary packing. Next Friday we are presenting a slideshow for park members before the weekly Social Hour. It is on our trip through the Suez Canal and our time in Dubai, which occurred last April.

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