Wednesday, September 17, 2008

9/17/08 Still here at Park Sierra and taking care of business. Not very interesting for BLOG readers!! The report on the doctor's appointments is that we had a bad run-in with the dermatologist. I had to have spots on my neck, nose (3) and lip burned with liquid nitrogen. Then he spotted Elaine's lip, which he said was worse than mine, and he zapped hers too - three times!! So we went to our lunch date with Diana Bonas, the Methodist minister who will perform our ceremony, with big blisters on our lips! Since then we have developed scabs and we are telling people that before getting married we wanted to have a really BIG fight!
Diana seems like a sweetie and we had a great time with her. She gave us lots of good suggestions for our ceremony and now we just need to work on the wording. It is like a homework assignment! Then we went to get our marriage license at the county clerk's office. There were about 10 people waiting around ahead of us and I'm sure we were an item of curiosity, covert looks, etc., but all went well. the license cost $49 so now we really have to go through with this - too much money invested to abort now....
There is a need for some follow-up appointments so we are hanging around Park Sierra waiting for these to be scheduled. It has been fairly hot here - in the 90's every day, which has been OK with us and we have now thawed from being frozen up in Oregon. Today the weather is starting to cool into the 80's which is about perfect and we will bask in it. On our daily walks we have been seeing lots of animals: deer, coyotes, quail, bunnies, squirrels, woodpeckers, and last night there was a skunk right in our patio area. The other evening on our walk we saw a baby rattlesnake on one of the streets in the park. There have also been sightings of a cougar and her 2 cubs down in the number 500 lots by the creek. It is great to have so much "nature" right around us. In case you haven't seen any of the pictures we have posted in the past about this park, here are a few:

Front View of Our Lot at Park Sierra #414

The back and side view from our lot.

The clubhouse at Park Sierra where our wedding will be held.


CaliforniaGrammy said...

I remember my Dad getting ready to walk me down the aisle and asked me if I still wanted to "do this?" Methinks he had a bit more than $49 bucks spent to be thinking about backing out! But 45 years later, I think he got his moneys' worth! So go for it . . . teeHee!

Nature is good, but I don't think I like the idea of a mama cougar and a couple of cubs!

See you soon.

TravelingGrammy said...

Well, while you're thawing out we're crabbing in WB! Gary is trying his luck at the dock-he got 6 good ones today and I quickly remembered how to pick...And how fab it tastes fresh. Looking forward to a great party! Oct. 25th, right?
Eeeeuwwww-I have dermatology appt. when I get home-ick